Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/388

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Anne Bradstreet's Works.
The great ones now began to shew their mind,
And act as opportunity they find.
Aridæus the scorn'd and simple King,
More then he bidden was could act no thing.
Polisperchon for office hoping long,
Thinks to inthrone the Prince when riper grown;
Euridice this injury disdains,
And to Cassandar of this wrong complains.
Hateful the name and house of Alexander[1]
Was to this proud vindicative Cassander;
He still kept lockt[2] within his memory.
His Fathers danger, with his Family;
Nor thought' he that indignity was[3] fmall,
When Alexander knockt his head to th' wall.
[170] These with his love unto the amorous Qiieen,
Did make him vow her servant to be seen.
Olimpias, Aridæus deadly hates,
As all her Husbands, Children by his mates.
She gave him poyson formerly ('tis thought)
Which damage both to mind and body brought;
She now with Polisperchon doth combine.
To make the King by force his Seat resigne:
And her young grand-child in his State inthrone,[4]
That under him, she might rule, all alone.
For aid she goes t' Epire among her friends,
The better to accomplish these her ends;
Euridice hearing what fhe intends,
In haste unto her friend[5] Callander fends,

  1. frefh.
  2. counts.
  3. but.
  4. Nephew in his stead t'inthrone,
  5. deare.