Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/413

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The Four Monarchies. 327

Is entertain'd at Rome, and in fhort time,

By wealth and favour doth to honour climbe;

He after Marthis death the Kingdome had,

A hundred Senators he more did add.

AVars with the Latins he again renews,

And Nations twelve of Tii/cany fubdues.

To fuch rude triumphs as young Rome then had,

Some State and fplendor" did this Prifctis add:

Thirt}' eight years (this ftronger born ") did reign,

And after all, by Ancits Sons was flain.

Sei'vius Tullius. [^9^]

NEXT Servius TuUius gets into '" the Throne, Afcends not up By merits of his own. But by the favour and the fpecial grace Of Tauquil^ late Queen, obtains the place. He ranks the people into each degree. As wealth had made them of ability; A general Mufter takes, which by account. To eighty thoufand Souls then did amount. Forty four years did Servius Tullius reign, And then by Tarqiiiu Prifcus Son was flain.

« Much ftate, and glorj, ^ Stranger borne.

•^ fits upon. •*■ Tanaquil,

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