Page:The works of Christopher Marlowe - ed. Dyce - 1859.djvu/71

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Scene II.

Gen. The warlike soldiers and the gentlemen,
That heretofore have fill'd Persepolis
With Afric captains taken in the field,
Whose ransom made them march in coats of gold,
With costly jewels hanging at their ears,
And shining stones upon their lofty crests,
Now living idle in the wallèd towns,
Wanting both pay and martial discipline,
Begin in troops to threaten civil war,
And openly exclaim against their[1] king
Therefore, to stay all sudden mutinies,
We will invest your highness emperor;
Whereat the soldiers will conceive more joy
Than did the Macedonians at the spoil
Of great Darius and his wealthy host.

Cos. Well, since I see the state of Persia droop
And languish in my brother's government,
I willingly receive th' imperial crown,
And vow to wear it for my country's good,
In spite of them shall malice my estate.

Orty. And, in assurance of desir'd success,
We here do crown thee monarch of the East
Emperor of Asia and Persia[2];
Great lord of Media and Armenia;
Duke of Africa and Albania,
Mesopotamia and of Parthia,
East India and the late-discover'd isles ;
Chief lord of all the wide vast Euxine Sea,
And of the ever-raging[3] Caspian Lake.

All.[4] Long live Cosroe, mighty emperor!

Cos. And Jove may[5]
This never let me longer live
Than I may seek to gratify your love,
And cause the soldiers that thus honour me
To triumph over many provinces!
By whose desires of discipline in arms
I doubt not shortly but to reign sole king,
And with the army of Theridamas
(Whither we presently will fly, my lords,)
To rest secure against my brother's force.

Orty. We knew[6],I my lord, before we brought the crown,
Intending your investion so near
The residence of your despised brother,
The lords[7] would not be too exasperate
To injury[8] or suppress your worthy title;
Or, if they would, there are in readiness
Ten thousand horse to carry you from hence,
In spite of all suspected enemies.

Cos. I know it well, my lord, and thank you all.

Orty. Sound up the trumpets, then.
Trumpets sounded.

All. God save the king!


Enter Tamburlane leading Zenocrate, Techelles,
Ushucasane, Agydas Magnetes Lords, and Soldiers
loaden with treasure.

Tamb. Come, lady, let not this appal your thoughts;
The jewels and the treasure we have ta'en
Shall be reserv'd, and you in better state
Than if you were arriv'd in Syria,
Even hi the circle of your father's arms,
The mighty Soldan of Ægyptia.

Zeno. Ah, shepherd, pity my distressed plight!
(If, as thou seem'st, thou art so mean a man,)
And seek not to enrich thy followers
By lawless "rapine from a silly maid,
Who, travelling[9]with these Median lords
To Memphis, from my uncle's country of Media,
Where, all my youth, I have been governed,
Have pass'd the army of the mighty Turk,
Bearing his privy-signet and his hand
To safe-conduct us thorough[10]

Mag. And, since we have arriv'd in Scythia,
Besides rich presents from the puissant Cham,
We have his highness' letters to command
Aid and assistance, if we stand in need.

Tamb. But now you see these letters and commands
Are countermanded by a greater man;
And through my provinces you must expect
Letters of conduct from my mightiness,
If you intend to keep your treasure safe.
But, since I love to live at liberty,

  1. their] So the 8vo. The 4 to "the."
  2. and Persia] So the 8vo. The 4to "and of Persia."
  3. ever-raging] So the 8vo. The 4to "riuer raging."
  4. All] So the 4to. Omitted in the 8vo.
  5. And Jove may, &c. ] i. e. And may Jove, &c. collocation of words is sometimes found in later writers : so in the Prologue to Fletcher's Woman's Prize, " Which this may prove!"
  6. knew] So the 8vo. The 4to "knowe."
  7. lords] So the 4 to. The 8vo "Lord."
  8. injury] This verb frequently occurs in our early writers. "Then haue you iniuried mauie." Lyly's Alexander and Campaspe, sig. D 4, ed. 1591. It would seem to have fallen into disuse soon after the commencement of the 17th century : in He'ywood's Woman killed with kindness, 1607, we find,
    "You injury that good man, and wrong me too."
    Sig. F 2.

    but in ed. 1617 "injury" is altered to " iniure."

  9. Who, travelling, &c.] The halting metre shews that there is some corruption in this and the next line.
  10. thorough] So the Svo. The 4to "through." Africa.