Page:The works of Horace - Christopher Smart.djvu/90

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in the consulship of Tullus. Take, my Mæcenas, a hundred cups on account of the safety of your friend, and continue the wakeful lamps even to day-light: all clamor and passion be far away. Postpone your political cares[1] with regard to the state: the army of the Dacian Cotison is defeated; the troublesome Mede[2] is quarreling with himself in a horrible [civil] war: the Cantabrian, our old enemy[3] on the Spanish coast, is subject to us, though conquered by a long-disputed victory: now, too, the Scythians are preparing to quit the field with their unbent bows. Neglectful,[4] as a private person, forbear to be too solicitous lest the community in any wise suffer, and joyfully seize the boons of the present hour, and quit serious affairs.



Horace. As long as I was agreeable to thee, and no other

  1. Augustus was not yet returned from his eastern expedition, and when Agrippa went to Spain, Pannonia, and Syria, Mæcenas possessed alone the government of Rome and Italy, until September, 782, when he resigned it to Statilius Taurus, that he might follow Augustus into Gaul. Torr. San.
  2. The submission which Phraates made to Augustus, was as much an effect of his politics as of his fears. Detested for his cruelties, he endeavored to support himself against his own subjects by his alliance with the Romans, and when he rendered to Augustus the Roman standards and prisoners, he delivered four sons and four grandsons to him, to preserved them from the insurrections of his own people. San.
  3. The war in Spain continued more than 200 years before the Cantabrians were perfectly subdued, and Strabo judiciously remarks, that it proceeded from their opposing their whole force at once to the Romans. San.
  4. Negligens: "securus, non timens."