Page:The works of Li Po - Obata.djvu/185

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Forth to sylvan retreats I went, a vagabond, ^>r

Led by pleasure, and of the distance unaware. Xx?\

The blue range yonder lay too far to travel "^

When the giddy sun was ready to set.

Barely had I crossed three, four hills;

The road had taken a thousand and ten thousand turns


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Mountains thrust their peaks in the mid-sky; j*£

I could have climbed and gazed forever / yj

When Tan-chiu, my friend, called me from afar. He looked at me and burst into laughter.

��I heard the monkeys wail in the still twilight,

And saw the clouds roll away one by one.

Now came the dainty moon over the tall pines,

How exquisite the autumnal scene of a hollow glen!

There was old snow left in the deep ravine,

And the frosty rapids flew, cutting through rock.

��I went to his hermitage down the valley And entered the solitude of a recluse. Here we delighted ourselves night-long — It was lucid day-break when I spoke of going.


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