Page:The works of Li Po - Obata.djvu/260

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Li Po the Chinese Poet

��No. 108. On Visiting a Taoist Recluse on Mount T^ Tien, but Failing to Meet Him.

Florenz, Gedichte v. Li Taipe. Vergeblicher Besuch bei einem Einsiedler.

Lowell, Fir-Flower Tablets. Visiting Taoist Priest on the Mountain that which Upholds Heaven; He is Absent.

No. 109. At the Cell of an Absent Mountain Priest.

Florenz, Gedichte v. Li Taipe. Besuch bei einem Bergpriester, den Ich Nicht Antraf.

No. 110. On a Moonlight Night.

Florenz, Gedichte v. Li Taipe. Gedanken beim

Betrachten des Mondes. Lowell, Fir-Flower Tablets. In Deep Thought,

Gazing at the Moon.

No. 111. A Visit to Yuan Tan-chiu in the Mountains. No. 112. A Midnight Farewell.

No. 113. The Song of Luh Shan.

Edkins, On Li Tai-Po. Song of Lushan. Florenz, Gedichte v. Li Taipe. Lied auf dem Lushan.

No. 114, 115, 116. To his Wife on his Departure.

Lowell, Fir-Flower Tablets. Separated by Imperial Summons from Her who Lives Within.


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