Page:The works of Monsieur de St. Evremond (1728) Vol. 2.pdf/8

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A funeral Oration on the Dutchefs of MAZARIN. p. 310
A Letter to the Count DE GRAMMONT; I aminformed, &c. 327
A Letter to young DERY. 331
Reflections upon Religion. 333
That Devotion is our laft Love. 337
A Letter to a Lady, who defign'd to turn Devout. 340
Of the Poems of the Antients. 344
Of the Wonderful that is found in the Poems ofthe Antients. 352
An Elucidation on what I faid of the Italian Mufick. 358
A Letter to the Dutchefs of MAZARIN; I amnot fo vain, &c. 360
On the Morals of EPICURUS. 363
Of Retirement. 370
A Letter of M. DE LA FONTAINE to theDutchefs of BOUILLON. 379
An Anfwer of M. DE ST. EVREMOND tothe Letter of M. DE LA FONTAINE to theDutchefs of BOUILLON. 387
A Judgment on the three Accounts of SIAM;and on CONFUCIUS's Book. 403
A Letter to M. JUSTEAltho you have madea Refolution, &c. 405
A Letter to M. DE LA BASTIDE. 407
A Letter to Monfieur ***, in the name of theDutchefs of MAZARIN; I am not confiderableenough in the World, &c. 409
A Letter to Monfieur ***, in the name of theDutchefs of MAZARIN; I don't wonder thatMonfieur Mazarin, &c. 412
A Letter to Monfieur ***, in the name of theDutchefs of MAZARIN; No body can bavea deeper Senfe, &c. 414