Page:The works of Monsieur de St. Evremond (1728) Vol. 3.pdf/7

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r n THE CONTENTS. V A Billet to Mr. DES MAIZEAUX; I return you the Book, &c. A Letter to my Lord GALLWAY. 69 70 A Billet to Dr. SILVESTRE ; Be fatisfy'd, &c. 73 To the fame; If my new Infirmities, &c. 74 A Letter to Prince MAURICE D'AUVERGNE. 75 A Letter to Mr.DES MAIZEAUX; I am forry,&c. 76 A Letter from Mr. DES MAIZEAUX, to Monfieur DE ST. EVREMOND, concerning the Romance of the Rofe. 80 A Billet to Madam DE LA PERRINE; I fend to fee whether the fatigue, &c. 89 A Letter to Dr. SILVESTRE; You cannot imagine the joy I was in, &c. ABillet to Madam DE LA PERRINE; I thought, &c.91 A Billet to Dr. SILVESTRE; 'Tis about ten years ago, &c. 90 92 A Billet to Madam DE LA PERRINE; Monfieur ROUVIERE bath obtain'd, &c. 93 A Letter to Count MAGA LOTTI, Counfellor of State to his Royal Highnefs the Great Duke of Tufcany; How happy are you, Sir, &c. 93 The Character of Monfieur DE ST. EVREMOND, by Dr. CHETWOOD. 96 The Character of Monfieur DE ST. EVREMOND, by Mr. DRYDEN. 98 A Collection of the beft Pieces attributed to Monfieur DE ST. EVREMOND. Memoirs of the Dutchefs of MAZARIN. 105 A Letter containing the Pitture and Character of the Dutchefs of MAZARIN. 168 Reflections upon Eloquence, or a Fragment of PETRONIUS. The Ephefian Matron. Of the true Ufe of Life. 177 197 207 Chap. I. That a man ought diligently to apply him- felf to the Search of Happiness, fince it is in bis

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