Page:The world set free.djvu/304

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who are working these things out, dispassionately and certainly, for the love of knowledge. The next sciences to yield great harvests now will be psychology and neural physiology. These perplexities of the situation between man and woman and the trouble with the obstinacy of egotism—these are temporary troubles, the issue of our own times. Suddenly all these differences that seem so fixed will dissolve, all these incompatibles will run together, and we shall go on to mould our bodies and our bodily feelings and personal reactions as boldly as we begin now to carve mountains and set the seas in their places and change the currents of the winds."

"It is the next wave," said Fowler, who had come out upon the terrace and seated himself silently behind Karenin's chair.

"Of course, in the old days," said Edwards, 'men were tied to their city or their country, tied to the homes they owned or the work they did. . . ."

"I do not see," said Karenin, "that there is any final limit to man's power of self-modification."

"There is none," said Fowler, walking forward and sitting down upon the parapet in front of Karenin so that he could see his face. "There is no absolute limit to either knowledge or power. . . . I hope you do not tire yourself talking."