Page:The writings of Henry David Thoreau, v2.djvu/10

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ATSfF RIVERSIDE EDITION. I. A WEEK ON THE CONCORD AND MERRI- MACK RIVERS. II. WALDEN; OR, LIFE IN THE WOODS. III. THE MAINE WOODS. IV. CAPE COD. V. EARLY SPRING IN MASSACHUSETTS. VI. SUMMER. With a Map of Concord. VII. AUTUMN. VIII. WINTER. IX. EXCURSIONS. X. MISCELLANIES. With a Biographical Sketch by Ralph Waldo Emerson. XI. FAMILIAR LETTERS. Edited, with an Intro- duction and Notesi by Frank B. Sanborn. 11 volumes, crown Svo, each, with an index, $1.50 ; the set, cloth, in box, $16.50; half calf, $30.25 ; half calf, gilt top, $33. CAPE COD. Holiday Editum. Illustrated in water- colors by Miss Amelia B. Watson. 2 vols, crown Svo, $5.00. WALDEN; OR, LIFE IN THE WOODS. Holiday Editum. With an Introduction by Bradford ToERBV, and 30 full-page photogravure illustrations. 2 vols. r2mo. The Same. Popular Ediiioh. With a Biographical Sketch by Ralph Waldo Emerson, i vol. i2mo, f i.oo. The Same. Riverside A Idine Edition. 2 vols. i6mo, $2.00. THOREAU'S THOUGHTS. Selections from the Writ- ings of Henry D. Thoreau. Edited by H. G. O. Blake. With Bibliography. i6mo, gilt top, $1.00. THE SUCCESSION OF FOREST TREES AND WILD APPLES. With Biographical Sketch by Emerson. i6mo, paper, 15 cents, net, HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Boston and New York.