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1. An angel coming in clouds of grace and glory brings to St. John a book of further prophecies. The rainbow about his head symbolizes mercy, [1] while the brightness of his countenance expresses the power of his teachings to enlighten souls. The feet as of tire indicate that he shall lead the Church in the ways of truth and justice as the pillar of fire guided the Israelites in the wilderness. [2]

2. The book is open to signify that the prophecies therein revealed to St. John are intelligible and shall be understood in due time according to the needs of the Church. The angel places one foot upon the sea, the other upon the land to express God's supreme dominion over all things.

3. 4. The voice like the roar of a lion is the voice of the Gospel which shall penetrate to the very ends of the earth teaching divine truth, condemning error, and threatening persecutors with the vengeance of God. Here, as elsewhere, the thunders may symbolize the anathemas of the Church against all wickedness and error; but it would be useless to comment on their exact meaning since St. John was commanded to seal up their words. In like manner Daniel was ordered to seal up the words of his prophecies until the time appointed by God for their publication. [3] The words of the seven thunders may also have been such as St. Paul heard "secret words which it is not granted to man to utter." [4]

  1. See above, page 58.
  2. Exodus xiii, 21.
  3. Daniel xii, 4.
  4. II Corinthians xii, 4.