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2. The beast resembles a leopard in cruelty. The feet of a bear are symbols of stealth, while the mouth of a lion is an emblem of that strength and power which Satan confers upon his representative. Through the power of Satan, Antichrist will perform great wonders to deceive the people and lead them to accept him as the true Messias. St. Paul says that the coming of Anti-christ will be "according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders." [1] Our Lord also warns the faithful of false miracles in those days: "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show signs and wonders insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Behold I have told it to you beforehand." [2]

3, 4. The head wounded unto death but healed in a marvelous manner signifies that one of the powers supporting the cause of Antichrist shall be overcome by the sword in its conflict with the Church. But to the surprise of all, this power will quickly rally its forces and thereby lead many to believe in Antichrist. [3] As noted above, the heads represent spiritual rather than temporal powers. Since the heads of the dragon wear the diadems of royalty they may symbolize powers that combine both the spiritual and the temporal.

Those who adore Antichrist on account of his "lying wonders" thereby adore Satan who gives the power to perform them. Power and material prosperity are the

  1. II Thessalonians ii, 9.
  2. St. Matthew xxiv, 24, 25.
  3. See below, on xvii, 10, 11.