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At present, the majority of scholars, both Catholic and Protestant, interpret the number 666 as a cryptogram for Nero Caesar as written in Hebrew characters. But according to our interpretation this is an impossible solution because the days of Antichrist are still in the future. Furthermore, the career of Nero does not correspond to that of Antichrist except in so far as he persecuted the Church. His coming was not "in all power, and signs and lying wonders" as St Paul predicts concerning Antichrist. [1]

Father Sloet of Holland proposed a solution based upon the title of Antichrist as king of Israel. [2] The Jews have ever looked forward to the Messias as a great leader to restore the kingdom of Israel. They rejected our Lord because He did not fulfill this expectation. We may be sure that the pretensions of Antichrist will not be wanting in this regard. He will be king of a restored Israel, not only king, but the king par excellence. In Hebrew this idea could be expressed by the words (hammelek l'Yisrael), which have the requisite numerical value of 666; but in order to obtain this number kaph medial (כ) must be used in melek (king) instead of kaph final (ך‎).

  1. II Thessalonians ii, 9.
  2. Fr. Sloet in letter to Pere Gallois dated May 18, 1893.