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Instead of this commonly received division, [1] the following is here submitted in the belief that it is justified by the commentary which follows. Yet in this, as in all things, we submit to the unerring judgment of the Church, the "pillar and ground of the truth." [2]

Prologue I, 1-8

Part I

From the Days of St. John to the Opening of the Abyss

i.—General warning to the churches, i, 9—iii, 22.

ii.—Constitution of the Church, chs. iv-v.

iii.—Persecution of the Church, and fall of the pagan Empire of Rome. ch. vi.

iv.—The Church firmly established, ch. vii.

v.—The Vicissitudes of the Church, ch. viii.

  1. Cf. Cornely, "Cursus Scripturae Sacrae" vol. iii, page 715 sq.; Gigot, "Apocalypse of St. John" in Westminster version.
  2. 1 Timothy iii, 15.