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Church shall bite their tongues in anger and despair, yet they will not repent of their sins.

12. As in ix, 14, the Euphrates symbolizes nations in revolt against the Church. Here they are the Gentile nations subject to Antichrist. The vision probably means that these nations shall be so reduced in strength by the sixth plague that kings from the East will not hesitate to march against them. These eastern kings probably represent nations that remain faithful to the Church and now come to her defense [1]

13, 14. Antichrist and his prophet prepare to resist this attack by sending out messengers with the power of false miracles. By means of these prodigies kings and people are rallied to the cause of Antichrist and march to his defense against the invading armies.

15. This verse is a warning to the faithful to be prepared for the great conflict. They must guard well their garments of good works lest they be found without God's grace in that evil day. Our Lord gave a similar warning when He foretold the destruction of Jerusalem: "Watch ye therefore, because you know not what hour your Lord will come." [2]

16. The armies from the East will meet the forces of Antichrist near Jerusalem. [3] The scene of carnage that follows makes the field of battle another Mageddo,

  1. See above, page 128.
  2. St. Matthew xxiv, 42.
  3. Cf. ch. xiv, 19, 20.