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wrought upon the unfaithful city. There he beholds a harlot seated upon a scarlet beast having seven heads and ten horns and covered over with names of blasphemy. This is evidently the beast from the sea, a symbol of Antichrist. [1] Hence the vision indicates that the new pagan empire of Rome holds sway over the nations through the power and influence of Antichrist.

Scarlet is the emblem of imperial power, a power exercised over the nations by Antichrist through his prophet in Rome. Scarlet is also the color of blood and forbodes terrible persecutions in which the blood of martyrs will flow in copious streams. The significance of the heads and horns and the names of blasphemy has been explained in connection with the beast from the sea. [2] A further development is found in verses 9, 17.

4. The harlot wears a mantle of purple and gold, an emblem of the imperial power possessed by Rome as capital of a vast empire. The gems and golden cup imply riches and material prosperity, but the cup is filled with every iniquity and immorality. [3] Riches and luxury have ever been the great demoralizers of nations as well as of individuals.

5. Through her power and riches Rome leads other nations to worship Antichrist and imitate her own immoralities. Hence the harlot bears upon her forehead

  1. See ch. xiii, 1.
  2. See above, page 122.
  3. Jeremias li, 7; Ezechiel xxviii, 13-19.