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"Five are fallen, one is, and the other is not yet come," and the "beast which was, and is not; the same also is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into destruction." Any attempt to explain this mysterious prophecy before its accomplishment can be nothing more than speculation. Nevertheless we may find a solution that has some degree of probability.

Verse 10 may mean that five nations supporting the cause of Antichrist are overcome, one still maintains the conflict, and a seventh has not yet submitted to the domination of Rome, but will soon do so only to be defeated after a short time. Through the influence of Antichrist and his lying wonders, the nation most devoted to his cause will rally from defeat and be organized anew as the eighth kingdom although it is really one of the seven. It shall soon go down to destruction in the final defeat of Antichrist and the destruction of his empire.

Again the prophecy may be interpreted of the rulers instead of their kingdoms. In this sense "five are fallen," etc., would probably mean that the rulers of five nations have fallen from power, presumably by violent means, but the sixth still holds his throne. In the seventh kingdom a ruler is yet to come who will use his power in support of Antichrist.

One of the five kings, identified with the beast on account of his great devotion to the cause of Antichrist, has received a sword wound unto death [1] but is quickly

  1. Cf. xiii, 3, 14.