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place of evil spirits according to the words of Christ: When an unclean spirit is gone out of a man he walketh through dry places seeking rest." [1]

3. The terrible destruction and desolation of Rome is a punishment for her many sins and for the sins into which she has led other nations. The kings and mer chants of the earth have been led into the sins and vices of Rome, and with her they have upheld Antichrist in his efforts against the Church.

4, 5. Another voice from heaven, a voice of mercy, warns the faithful of the impending ruin and exhorts them to seek safety in flight. In like manner did our Lord warn His disciples to flee from Jerusalem upon the approach of the Roman army. [2] Heeding these words of warning the faithful fled to Pella in Peraea and thus escaped the terrible sufferings of the siege.

6-8. These verses are an apostrophe to the ministers of God's judgments, apparently the ten kings of the preceding chapter. They are to punish the wicked and unfaithful city for all the evils she has heaped upon them, presumably the evils resulting from apostacy and adherence to Antichrist. They shall punish her also for her own apostacy and worship of Antichrist: "Double unto her double according to her works: in the cup wherein she hath mingled mingle ye double unto her."

  1. St. Matthew xii, 43.
  2. St. Matthew xxiv, 16-8.