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7, 8. They rejoice because the marriage of the Lamb is at hand and His spouse is in readiness. The Church, the spouse of Christ, ever triumphant in heaven, now triumphs on earth. She is clothed in radiant garments which are the good works of her faithful children.

9. The angel, the voice from the throne, commands St. John to write: "Blessed are they who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb." This marriage feast, or triumph of the Church, begins on earth but is consummated only in heaven. In this connection St. Gregory the Great remarks that as supper is taken before the night's repose so the supper of the Lamb precedes the repose of eternal happiness in heaven. [1] The marriage supper is also a symbol of the Holy Eucharist to which all the faithful are invited, and in which they receive a foretaste of eternal union with Christ in heaven.

10. Filled with joy the aged Apostle falls at the feet of the angel to adore him, evidently mistaking him for our Lord. But the angel restrains him with the words: "See thou do it not for I am only thy fellow servant, like unto others who have received the spirit of prophecy to give testimony to Jesus." [2]

  1. St. Gregory the Great, "Homil. in Evang." ii, 24.
  2. Cf. also ch. xxii, 8, 9.