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21. And the rest were slain with the sword of him that sitteth upon the horse, which proceedeth out of his mouth; and all the birds were filled with their flesh.

17, 18. While Kome, the seat of the false prophet, is smouldering in ashes, Christ and His faithful followers go forth to give battle against Antichrist and his allied kings. An angel summons all birds of prey to feast upon the carcasses of kings and princes, freemen and bond men, great and small for the slaughter shall be great. [1]

19, 20. Antichrist and his allied kings now make a last effort against the forces of Christ and His Church. "I saw the beast and the kings of earth and their armies gathered together to make war with him that sat upon the horse." This seems to be a reference to the battle at Armagedon mentioned above (xvi, 16). Three false prophets were sent out as messengers of .Antichrist to gather the kings of earth to battle but Antichrist and his forces are overcome and a voice from the temple cries out "It is done." Antichrist and his prophet are cast into hell, and their allies put to the sword. It is the last battle in the great conflict between the Church and the powers of darkness.

  1. Ezechiel xxxix, 17-28; Jeremias xii, 9.