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opens the abyss whence comes forth a great swarm of locusts. [1] Then follows a prophetic account of his reign, the overthrow of his empire, and his final condemnation in hell. An angel from heaven now binds the dragon and casts him into the abyss which is closed and sealed that Satan may no longer seduce the nations as in the past. Thus all obstacles are removed and the Church begins her peaceful reign on earth. It should be noted, however, that not all evil spirits are thus sealed up in the abyss; there will still be sin and evil on earth. The individual must still struggle against temptation and seduction. In fact there can be no real progress in virtue without temptation.

4. St. John now sees the souls of those who participate with Christ in the government of His Church. They are the saints who worshipped not the beast nor his image, nor received his character on their forehead, and especially they are the martyrs who gave their lives "for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God." "Judgment was given unto them," for as St. Paul says: "the saints shall judge this world." [2] The saints and martyrs are models and patrons for the faithful whom they teach and guide by the example of their lives on earth and by their intercession in heaven. Thus do they live and reign with Christ.

5. The wicked, the rest of the dead, live not the life of the soul because they have been condemned to the

  1. Ch. ix, 2, 3.
  2. I Corinthians vi, 2.