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8. I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, saith the Lord God, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.

4. St. John begins by laying down a rule of conduct for those of his own times. He is an Apostle, and in particular, the Apostle of Asia Minor. Hence he addresses himself to the bishops and churches of that province; yet his words are of universal application. Through the churches of Asia Minor, he addresses all churches through out the world for all time.

Some interpreters take the seven churches as types of seven ages in the Church. Much can be said in favor of this opinion, but it is difficult to distinguish periods in the Church corresponding to the characteristics of these seven churches as described in the Apocalypse. Thus, for example, the church of Ephesus, characterized by lack of fervor and zeal, would represent the Apostolic period of the Church. But it cannot be said with any historical accuracy that the Church in that age was especially noted for lack of fervor and zeal.

The simpler and, as we believe, the more correct view likens these letters of St. John to many of St. Paul's Epistles which were written to particular churches for particular purposes, but intended by the Holy Ghost to be documents of warning and instruction for all churches and