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The seven candlesticks represent the seven churches of Asia. As noted above, seven is the perfect number which denotes universality. Hence by extension the seven candlesticks represent all churches throughout the world for all time. Gold signifies the charity of Christ which pervades and vivifies the Church.

14. The snow-white locks are a symbol of wisdom and eternity. The all-seeing eyes were as flames of fire - terrible to the wicked, but a symbol of all-consuming love for the faithful. Fire is one of God's great gifts to man, yet it is also man's most destructive enemy.

15. The feet of glowing brass remind us of the rigorous justice of divine judgments. The voice, like the roar of mighty waters, proclaims mercy and love to the faithful, but threatens punishment to the wicked. Water, like fire, is a great good, or a terrible evil according to circumstances.

16. The seven stars represent the seven bishops of Asia and through them all bishops of the Church. Bishops are stars set in the firmament of the Church to enlighten and direct the faithful through the dark sea of life. Christ holds the stars in His right hand to show His great solicitude for those charged with the government of His Church and the care of souls.

The sharp two-edged sword is the Gospel which destroys sin and heresy. "The word of God is living and effectual, and more piercing than any two-edged sword.[1]

  1. Hebrews iv, 12.