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Diana which was counted among the seven wonders of the world. The temple was stripped of its riches by Nero and finally destroyed by the Goths in 262 A. D. St. Paul preached the Gospel in Ephesus for three years and left his disciple, St. Timothy, as bishop, to carry on the work. St. John also spent his last years at Ephesus where he wrote the fourth Gospel. An ancient tradition says that Mary Magdalene a] so died at Ephesus.

Today Ephesus is represented by Aya Solouk, a village of 3000 inhabitants. Below the village lie the ruins of the ancient city. Remains of the temple and theater are still pointed out to the visitor.

St. Timothy was probably the "angel" of Ephesus to whom St. John writes in the Apocalypse. He is praised for his untiring labors in preaching the Gospel and his zeal in rooting out false teachers. He has also suffered persecution for Christ's name. St. Paul informs us that St. Timothy had been imprisoned for his faith, but he gives none of the circumstances. [1]

St. Timothy is now reprimanded because he has lost much of his former zeal. St. Paul had recognized in his beloved disciple a gentleness of nature that easily leads to the lack of that zeal and firmness so necessary in a bishop. Hence he wrote to St. Timothy: Stir up the grace of God which is in thee by the imposition of my hands. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of sobriety." And again:

  1. Hebrews xiii, 23.