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and for his poverty. He is poor indeed in this world's goods, but he is rich in the grace of God and in true Christian Charity. He has suffered much on account of calumnies spread by the Jews of Smyrna.

The real Jew the true son of Abraham is the Christian who has accepted Christ as the Messias promised to Abraham of old. These who call themselves Jews are but rebels against the God of Israel and the prophets of old. They are the synagogue of Satan. Wherever the Gospel was preached the Jews were its first and most bitter enemies. Tertullian writes: "The Jewish synagogues are the source of persecutions." [1]

10. These Jewish enemies of the Gospel will succeed in bringing on a persecution, but it shall be of short duration. The Christians must suffer for their Faith, yet there is nothing to fear; he who perseveres will obtain the crown of eternal life. This prophecy found a fulfillment in the persecution which raged for a short time at Smyrna about the year 155 A. D. St. Polycarp was its most illustrious victim. An account of his martyrdom was written by his brethren to notify the neighboring churches of their bishop's death. This work, known as the "Martyrdom of Polycarp, shows that the Jews took an active part in the persecution. [2]

  1. Tertullian, "Scorpiace" 10; cf. Romans ii, 28; St. Matthew xxiii, 34.
  2. Eusebius, "Church History" iv, 15; Martyrdom of Polycarp xiii,