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of proconsular Asia at that time. If so, it had a statue of the emperor to which sacrifice must be offered under pain of death. This would account for the persecution in which Antipas suffered martyrdom. [1]

14, 15. The bishop of Pergamus is praised for his zeal and constancy in the face of persecution. Yet there is some room for complaint. He has not been sufficiently energetic in rooting out the hated Nicolaite heresy. Some of his flock are holding this evil doctrine. On account of their immoral teachings and practices they are called disciples of Balaam. This is a reference to the Moabites who went among the Israelites at Balaam's suggestion to seduce them into idolatry and adultery. [2] In like manner the Nicolaites are seducing the faithful into sin and error.

16. Unless those wicked ones do penance they shall be smitten with the two-edged sword which breaks the obstinate and confounds all sin and error. There may also be a reference here to the fate of the Moabites who had seduced the children of Israel. [3]

17. He who overcomes sin and error shall receive the hidden manna of eternal joy through union with Christ in heaven a union that begins on earth in the

  1. Cf. below, on xiii, 17.
  2. Numbers xxxi, 16.
  3. Numbers xxxi, 17.