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His authority; He opens and no man closes; He closes and no man opens.

8-10. The bishop of Philadelphia has but few of those natural qualifications which human wisdom deems necessary for the high office entrusted to him. Yet he has been faithful to his trust: he has kept Christ's commandment of patient perseverance. Christ now promises him protection in time of persecution and temptation. He shall even have the grace to make converts from among the obstinate Jews, from that "synagogue of Satan."

Not to the great and learned, but to the humble and faithful does God promise His graces. The weak things of this world hath God chosen that He may confound the strong." [1] In choosing the weak to overcome the strong our Lord plainly teaches that Pie is supreme pas tor in His Church. He needs not human power nor hu man wisdom. For this reason did He choose twelve poor ignorant men as Apostles to carry the Gospel to all nations.

Through this faithful bishop our Lord promises special grace and protection to all faithful pastors at the time of Antichrist "that hour of temptation which shall

  1. I Corinthians i, 27.