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14. Laodicea was an important city of Phrygia about 50 miles southeast of Philadelphia on the river Lycus. Antiochus II colonized it about 250 B. C. and gave it the name of his wife, Laodice. Laodicea was a centre of industries and commerce and especially famous for its woolen goods and sandals. It was also the seat of a medical school.

The Gospel had been preached in Laodicea by St. Paul's disciple Epaphras. The house of Nymphas was used as a place of worship for the little Christian community. [1] The Constitutions of the Apostles mentions St. Nymphas as the first bishop of Laodicea. [2] St. Paul wrote a letter to the Christians of Laodicea which has been lost. [3]

Jesus Christ is the Amen, the unchangeable and eternal. By Him were all things created: "Thou in the beginning, Lord, didst found the earth. And the works of thy hands are the heavens." [4]

15-17. The bishop of Laodicea is lukewarm and in different. Hence our Lord is about to reject him. He withdraws the graces that have been neglected. Christ would prefer to find the bishop entirely cold, because there would be more hopes for him. He would more easily realize his condition and do penance. Tepid souls easily deceive themselves, believing they are rich in

  1. Colossians iv, 13-15.
  2. Constitutions of the Apostles vii, 46.
  3. Colossians iv, 16.
  4. Hebrews i, 10.