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In this they resemble the seraphim in the vision of Isaias. The symbolism is probably the same. With two wings the seraphim shielded themselves before the majesty of God. These were adoration and reverential awe. With the wings of humility and temperance they veiled their feet. The two wings which served for flight symbolize faith and prayer. [1]

9, 10. All creatures must ever proclaim the power and majesty of God who is thrice holy in the ever blessed Trinity. But no creature is worthy to wear a crown in the presence of God. The four and twenty ancients lay their crowns at the foot of the throne to acknowledge that God alone is head of the Church. It is only in dependence upon Him that they govern.

11. All power, honor, and glory belong to Him who created all things. What sublime theology the Apocalypse contains! Its every word teaches some exalted truth concerning God, or recalls to mind some noble Christian duty!


1. And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne, a book written within and without, sealed with seven seals.

2. And I saw a strong angel, proclaiming with a loud voice: Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?

  1. Isaias vi, 2,