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With this chapter begin those symbolic visions in which the entire history of the Church is unfolded before us. The first part (chapters vi-viii) extends from the which the entire history of the Church is unfolded before christ. Some of the prophecies in this part have been fulfilled, as a comparison with the events of the past nine teen centuries will show. As noted in the introduction, [1] application of these prophecies to history must be confined to generalities because the Apostle is not giving detailed accounts. In many cases the same prophecy may refer to several events of similar nature. Hence a prophecy may have been fulfilled in the past and still refer to similar events in the future.

Toward the end of this chapter there is a glimpse of the last days of the world. This is to show that the whole history of the Church has an intimate connection with the second coming of Jesus Christ. In fact the mission of the Church throughout the ages is to prepare mankind for that great event.

1. The voice of thunder is the voice of the Church resounding to the uttermost parts of the earth as it proclaims the Gospel to all nations and threatens the wicked with trials and punishments.

2. White horses were used by Roman conquerors when celebrating triumphs for their victories. The rider with the bow symbolizes the pagan empire of Rome waging war against the Church. The white horse and

  1. See above, page 8.