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The life of the victim was said to be in the blood: "The life of the flesh is in the blood," and again, "Beware of this that thou eat not the blood, for the blood is for the soul, and therefore thou must not eat the soul with the flesh." [1] Hence the life or soul ( ψυχη ) of the victim was conceived as being under the altar. In like manner the souls ( ψυχαι ) of the martyrs are seen beneath the altar because they too have become victims to God through martyrdom [2] and the voice of their blood cries out to God for justice. "The voice of thy brother's blood crieth out to me from the earth." [3]

11. The martyrs have received the white robes of eternal happiness and glory, but they must wait for the resurrection of the body until the number of their fellow martyrs has been filled up. They have but a short while to wait since the whole course of ages is as a few moments when compared with eternity that follows: "For a thousand years in thy sight are as yesterday which is past, and as a watch in the night." [4]

This verse clearly foretells that there shall be martyrs other than those of the first ages of the Church. There shall be witnesses to God by their blood in every age, especially in the days of Antichrist and at the end of the world. The resurrection and general judgment shall not take place until after this last persecution.

  1. Leviticus xvii, 11; Deuteronomy xii, 23.
  2. II Timothy iv, 6; Philippians ii. 17.
  3. Genesis iv, 10.
  4. Psalm lxxxix, 4.