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This vision presages a period of comparative peace and security for the Church. By command of Christ the great persecutions are brought to an end that the Church may firmly establish herself upon the ruins of the old Roman Empire. Many Jews have accepted the teachings of Christ, and untold numbers from every race and tongue now flock to His standard.

1. The Apostle sees four spirits ready to send forth the winds of earth bearing persecution, war, pestilence, and famine. In the prophecy of Zacharias thei four winds are four chariots bringing plagues upon earth. [1] They symbolize evil spirits and unfaithful pastors who bring untold harm to the faithful by their false teachings and example. The four horsemen of the preceding vision are here replaced by charioteers to signify that the threat ened scourges are more grievous than any yet predicted.

2, 3. A faithful angel appears to prevent any injury to earth or sea until the servants of God are marked upon the forehead. This angel comes from the East to indicate that he has received his mission from Christ. Zacharias refers to the Messias as the Orient (the East. [2] ) Hence it is Christ who brings persecution to an end that the Church may establish herself and spread the Gospel among Gentile peoples.

The office of this good angel is; fulfilled by all bishops and priests, who by their teaching and example avert many evils. So today the teachings of the Church are

  1. Zacharias vi, 1-5.
  2. Zacharias vi, 12; St. Luke i, 78.