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figure of the Church. [1] Numberless Christians and even whole churches have often perished in wars and persecutions. And only too often have the weaker brethren denied their Faith through fear of torture and death.

10. As the third angel sounds his trumpet a great star falls from heaven like a naming torch and poisons a large portion of the streams and even their very sources. The name wormwood denotes a bitter and poisonous nature. This vision is a striking image of unfaithful bishops and priests who fall from the firmament of the Church where Christ has placed them to enlighten and direct the world. By false teachings and example they poison the very sources of doctrine which should now pure as water from the mountain torrent. Like our divine Saviour, the bishops and priests of the Church must be "fountains of water springing up into life everlasting. " [2]

11. Unfortunately many of the faithful drink from these poisoned streams of false doctrine and so perish.

12. The thoughts of many hearts are being revealed more and more as the Gospel is preached throughout the world. [3] Many reject it; others abandon it. There is a growing decadence in the Church. Its doctrine and sanctity shine with diminished lustre. The day is less brilliant; the night of ignorance becomes darker. This

  1. Catholic Library, Archeology Series, voi ii. page 83.
  2. St. John iv, 14.
  3. St. Luke ii, 35.