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to see them destined for that celestial kingdom from which he himself had been expelled. But, says the Wise Man, by the envy of the devil death came into the world, and they follow him that are of his side. But charity makes us regard the happiness or misery of others as we would our own.


Ah! my Redeemer, how unlike am I to Thee! Thou wast all charity towards Thy persecutors; I am all rancor and hatred towards my neighbor. Thou didst pray with so much love for those who crucified Thee; and I immediately seek revenge against those that offend me. Pardon me, my Jesus: I wish no more to be what I have hitherto been; give me strength to love and to do good to all who injure me. Abandon me not, O Lord to my passions. Oh! what a hell would it be to me, after having received so many of Thy graces, to be again separated from Thee, and deprived of Thy friendship. For the sake of the blood that Thou hast shed for me, permit not such a separation. Eternal Father, through the merits of Thy Son, suffer me not to become Thy enemy. Shouldst Thou see that I will one day offend Thee, take me out of life, now that I hope to be in the state of grace. O God of love, give me Thy love! O infinite power, assist me! O infinite mercy, have pity on me! O infinite goodness, draw me entirely to Thee! I love Thee, O Sovereign Good!

O Mother of God, pray to Jesus for me! Thy protection is my hope.


The Charity to be Practised in Words.

I. To practise fraternal charity in words, you must? above all, abstain from every species of detraction. The tale-bearer, says the Holy Ghost, shall defile his own soul, and shall be hated by all. Yes; he shall be an object of