Page:Thelema 1909 (Volume I).djvu/25

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46. Subdue thy [ear and thy disgust. Then ._yield!

47. There was n maiden that strayed among the corn, and sighed; then grew at new birth, .mims, and therein she forgot her sighing nm‘l her loneliness.

43. Even instantly rode Hades heavily upon her, and ravished her “my.

49. (Then the scribe knew the narcissus in his heart; but because it came not to his lips, therefore wns he shamed and spake no more.)

so. Adm-ml spake yctagain with v.v.v.v. V. and said:

The earth is ripe for vintage; let us eat of her grapes, and I): drunken thereon.

51. And V. V. V. V. V. answered and said: O my loxrl, my clove, my excellent one, how shall this word seem unto the children of men?

52. And He answered him: Not as thou canst see.

It is certain that every letter of this cipher hath some value; but who shill determine the value? For it vuieth ever, according to the subtlety of Him um made in.

53. And He answered Him: Have I no! the key thereof?