Page:Theophrastus - History of Stones - Hill (1774).djvu/19

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I.OF Things formed in the Ground, ſome have their Origin from Water, others from Earth.

II. [2]Water is the Baſis of Metals; as Silver, Gold, and the reſt: Earth

  1. THIS excellent Author, notwithſtanding that he has made the Title of the Treatiſe before us promiſe no more than an Account of Stones, we ſhall find hereafter, did not mean to confine himſelf in it, ſtrictly and literally to diſcourſe of only that Part of the foſſile Kingdom. generally underſtood by this name: but to take into his Conſideration, at the ſame Time, all thoſe other mineral Subſtances which appeared to him to be formed of Matter of a like Kind with them; as the various Earths, &c. in ſhort all thoſe native Foſſils, which, according to his Philoſophy, had Earth, not Water, for the Baſis of their Formation.
  2. Our Author's general Syſtem of the foſſile World I ſhall not, in theſe Times of greater Knowledge, attempt to vindicate in all its Parts; but muſt do him the Juſtice