Page:Theophrastus - History of Stones - Hill (1774).djvu/285

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[ 269 ]

great Uniformity in many Inſtances, that they muſt be derived the one from the other: But it ſhould ſeem moſt agreeable to Nature, to refer both; as alſo the new-diſcovered Acid of Stone; to one and the ſame general Principle; of which they all three partake, altho' each has its own diſtinctive Qualities from the others; and to determine that they all originate from, or are merely different Modifications of, the ſame original Principle, the univerſal Acid.

This we may at all Times meet with in the three ſeparate and diſtinct Forms already mentioned, vitriolic, muriatic, and ſtony; tho' no Man ever ſaw it ſeparate and in its own. We ſee it,

1. Combined with Metal, under the Form of Vitriol.

2. With an alkaline Earth, in the Condition of Foſſile or Sea Salt.

And, 3dly, With a ſtony Subſtance, under the Form of this new-diſcovered Stone.

From all theſe Subſtances we can obtain it by Means of Diſtillation; united with more or leſs Water. And this is the only Condition in which we have, or can have any Acquaintance with it. From whichſoever of theſe Subſtances we thus produce it, there are certain general Properties in which it agrees: As alſo certain Powers or Qualities by which it differs; according to the one or other of theſe Bodies from which it is drawn.

From whichever of theſe Subſtances it is
