Page:Theophrastus - History of Stones - Hill (1774).djvu/295

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IDEA of an Artificial Arrangement
of Fossils, according to unalterable
Characters, and ſuperadded Qualities:


Of a Natural Method; according to their Aſcent toward their greateſt Perfection.

FOSSILS may be arranged, according to the following permanent Characters, into

Two Series,

1. Simple,
2. Compound,

According to the Purity or Mixture in the Body.
Each of theſe into Five Tribes, by

Adding the Ideas of

1.—Vitrifiable, 4.—Incombuſtible,
2.—Inflammable, 5.—Soluble in Water,
3.—Calcinable, 6.—Metalline.

Theſe into Orders, by ſuperadding the Idea of

1.—Pellucid, 4.—Alkaline, 7.—Plated, 10.—Uniform,
2.—Opake, 5.—Solid, 8.—Thready, 11.—Malleable,
3.—Neutral, 6.—Fluid, 9—Granulated, 12.—Friable.

Theſe into Genera, by ſuperadding the Idea of

1. Form. by Trial by Acids,
and by Steel.

Theſe into Species, by ſuperadding the Idea of

1. Gravity.

Theſe into Varieties, by ſuperadding to all this the Ideas of

1. Colour from Mixture.
1. Shape from Mixture.

And theſe into Varieties of Varieties, by ſuperadding the Ideas of

1. Colour from double Mixture.
2. Shape from double Mixture.

And under theſe come all Individuals,
