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THE conditions, general and special, for gaining Indulgences (see page x), with the decisions of the Congregation of Indulgences which follow, should be carefully studied and often referred to.

2. Unless otherwise stated, e.g., "once a day," a partial Indulgence may be gained any number of times in succession. This is indicated by the letters t.q.

3. To gain a "Plenary, once (or twice, etc.) a month," the prayer or act. must be repeated daily for a month; and the Communion may be made, unless otherwise declared, on any day of the month, or within eight days after.

4. The Roman numerals, i, ii, iii, iv, placed after an Indulgence, indicate the special conditions, viz., i, Confession; ii, Communion; iii, Visit to a church or public chapel; iv, Prayer according to the Pope's intention (see pp. xi-xiii).

5. The references at the foot of the page correspond with the indulgences; and the dates are those of rescripts of the Congregation of Indulgences, unless otherwise noted (see p. xv).

6. The Our Fathers, Hail Marys, and Glories prescribed for an Indulgence are indicated throughout by the Latin Pater noster, Ave Maria, and Gloria Patri, or in short, Pater, Ave, and Gloria. They can of course be said in English, and this applies to similar references in Latin to familiar prayers, antiphons, etc.

N.B. All the indulgences which follow, except those granted "in articulo mortis," i.e., for the point of death, and except those marked with an asterisk, are applicable to the holy souls in Purgatory (S.C. Indul., Dec. 8, 1897).