Page:Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases (1894).djvu/626

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relinquishment 624, 782

reliquary box 191 sacred 998

reliquiæ 362

relish pleasure 377 condiment 393 savoury 394 delight 827 desire 865

relucent light 420 transparent 425

reluct 720

reluctance dissuasion 616 unwilling 603 dislike 867

reluctation 719

relume ignite 384 light 420

rely believe 484 hope 858 (expect 507)

rem acu tetigisti 23

remain be left 40 endure 106 long time 110 continue 141 be present 186 stand 265 ⁃ firm 150 ⁃ on one’s hands 641 ⁃ in one’s mind 505 ⁃ neuter 605 ⁃ in possession of the field 731

remainder 40 estate 780 in ⁃ posterior 117

remainder-man 779

remains remainder 40 corpse 362 vestige 551 organic ⁃ 357

remand defer 133 order 741

remanet 40

remark observe 457 affirmation 535 worthy of ⁃ 642

remarkable great 31 exceptional 83 important 642

remediable, remedial restore 660 remedy 662

remediless 859

remedy restore 660 cure 662

remembrance 505

remembrances 894

rememoration 505

remigration regression 283 arrival 292 egress 295

remind 505 that ⁃s me 134

reminiscence 505

remise 927a

remiss neglectful 460 reluctant 603 idle 683 lax 738

remission cessation 142 moderation 174 laxity 738 forgiveness 918 exemption 927a

remit [see remission] ⁃ one’s efforts 681

remittance payment 807

remittent periodic 138

remitter 790

remnant 40

remodel convert 144 revolutionize 146 improve 658

remonstrance dissuasion 616 censure 932

remora cohere 46 hindrance 706

remorse 950

remorseless 919

remote not related 10 distant 196 ⁃ age 122 ⁃ cause 153 ⁃ future 121

remotest idea, not have ⁃ 491

remotion 270

remove subduct 38 term 71 displace 185 transfer 270 recede 287 depart 293 dinner 298 extract 301 school 541 ⁃ the mask 529

removedness distance 196

remugient 412

remunerate reward 973

remunerative useful 644 gain 775

renaissance 660

renascent 163

rencounter contact 199 meeting 292 fight 720

rend 44 ⁃ the air loud 404 cry 411 lament 839 ⁃ the heart-strings 830

render convert 144 interpret 522 give 784 restore 790 ⁃ an account inform 527 describe 594 ⁃ a service 644

rendezvous assemble 72 focus 74

rendition interpretation 522 restore 790

renegade convert 144 turncoat 607 apostate 941

renew twice 90 repeat 104 reproduce 163 recollect 505 restore 660 ⁃ one’s strength 689

reniform 245

renitence counteraction 179 hardness 323 elasticity 325 unwillingness 603 resistance 719

renitency light 420

renounce recant 607 relinquish 624 resign 757 - property 782 repudiate 927 (deny 536)

renovare dolorem, infandum ⁃ 833

renovate reproduce 163 restore 660

renovated new 123

renown 873

renownless 874

rent tear 44 fissure 198 hire 788 purchase 795

rental 810

renter 779

rent-free 815

rent-roll property 780 receipts 810

rents houses 189

renunciation [see renounce] exemption 927a

reorganize convert 144 improve 658 restore 660

repair mend 658 make good 660 refresh 689 out of ⁃ 659 ⁃ to 266

reparation [see repair] restitution 790 atonement 952 reward 973

repartee answer 462 wit 842

reparteeist 844

repartition 786

repass, pass and ⁃ 314

repast 298

repay pay 807 reward 973

repeal 756

repeat imitate 19 duplication 90 iterate 104 reproduce 163 affirm 535 ⁃ by rote 505