Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/13

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Those who propose to the Communist Party to "conform" to the Soviets, those who perceive in such "conformation" a strengthening of the "proletarian nature" of the Party, are rendering a bad service both to the Party and to the Soviets, and do not understand the importance of the Party, nor that of the Soviets. The stronger the Communist Party in each country, the sooner will the Soviet idea triumph. Many „independent“ and even „right“ Socialists profess to believe in the Soviet idea. But we can prevent such elements from distorting this idea, only if there exists a strong Communist Party capable of determining the policy of the Soviets and making them follow it.

9. The Communist Party is necessary to the working class not only before it has acquired power, not only while it is acquiring such power, but also after the power has passed into the hands of the working class. The history of the Russian Communist Party, for three years at the head of such a vast country, shows that the rôle of the party after the acquisition of power by the working class has not only not diminished, but on the contrary, has greatly increased.

10. On the morrow of the acquisition of power by the proletariat, its party still remained, as formerly, a part of the working class. But it was just that part of the class which organised the victory. During twenty years in Russia—thirteen years in Germany—the Communist