Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/31

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of the proletariat; on the contrary. the duty of the Communist Party Is to organize all the workmen on the ground of the economic crisis, and to lead them toward the struggle for the dictatorship of the proletariat by developing the struggle for workers' control over production, which they all understand.

2. The Communist Party will be able to accomplish this task, If, taking part In the struggle in the shop committees, it will instill into the minds of the masses the consciousness that a systematic reconstruction of the public economy on the basis of a capitalist order, which would mean its new enslavement by the government in favour of the capitalist class, is now totally impossible. The organization of the economic management corresponding with the interests of the working masses, is only possible when the government Is in the hands of the working class, when the strong hand of the labour dictatorship will proceed to the suppression of capitalism and to the new Socialist organization.

3. The struggle of the shop committees against capitalism has for its immediate object workers' control over production

The workers of every enterprise, every branch of industry, no matter what their trade, suffer from the "sabotage" of production on the part of capitalists, who frequently consider it more profitable to stop production, in order that it