Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/33

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working class. After such a seizure of power by the proletariat the shop committees will be the first managers of the industry, until the time when general state economic organisations will be formed by which the working class will establish the management of the factories and the direction of the whole economic life of the country from the point of view of the interests of the whole population, and will utilise for this purpose all the scientific forces bequeathed by capitalism.

4. The campaign in favour of the shop committees must be conducted in such a way that in the minds of the popular masses, even not directly belonging to the factory proletariat, there should be instilled the conviction that the bourgeoisie is responsible for the economic crisis, while the proletariat, under the motto of workers' control of industry, is struggling for the organization of production, for the suppression of speculation, disorganization and high prices. The duty of the Communist Parties is to struggle for control over production on the ground of the most insistent questions of the day, the lack of fuel, the transport crisis—to unite the different groups of proletariat and to attract wide circles of the petty bourgeoisie, which is becoming more and more proletarized day by day, and is really suffering extremely from the economic crisis.

5. The shop committees cannot be substitutes for the industrial unions. During the pro-