Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/51

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try proletariat with a ripe revolutionary consciousness, a thorough professional training and an experience in political organisation. Wherever such conditions are not available and there is no possibility to entrust the work to conscious and competent workers, all experiments of a hasty transition to the management by the State of large farming establishments would only compromise the proletarian power. The organisation of "Soviet Farms" requires an extreme care and a solid preparation.

In the third place all capitalist countries, even the most advanced, have still some remnants extant of medieval forms of semi-servitude, exploiting the small peasants of the neighhourhod for the benefit of the owners of large estates, as for example the "Instleute" in Germany, the "métayers" in France, the farmers paying the rent out of the profits in the United States (not only the negroes are being exploited in the Southern States in this particular way, but also the whites). In such cases the proletarian state must transfer the land rented by small peasants to the former farmers for their free use, as there Is no other economic and technical base, and it cannot be created all at once.

If just at first after the proletarian coup d'état the immediate confiscation of the big estates becomes absolutely necessary, and moreover also the banishment or the internment