Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/86

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munist International, hoping at the same time however to preserve a certain „autonomy“ which would enable them to carry on their former opportunist or "centrist" policy.

The Communist International is beginning to be the fashion.

The desire of certain leading groups of the „centre“ to join the Third International now is an indirect confirmation of the fact that the Third International has acquired the sympathies of the majority of conscient workers of the whole world, and that it is growing stronger every day.

Under certain circumstances the Communist International may be threatened with the danger of dilution by the fluctuating and half-and-half groups, which have not yet done with the ideology of the Second International.

Besides, in some of the large parties (Italy, Sweden), the majority of which are adhering to the point of view of Communism, there iis up to this moment a considerable reformist and social pacifist wing, which is only waiting for the moment to lift Its head again, begin an active "sabotage" of the proletarian revolution, and thus help the bourgeoisie and the Second International.

No Communist should forget the lessons of the Hungarian Soviet Republic.

The Union between the Hungarian Communists and the reformists cost the Hungarian proletariat very dear.