Page:They Knew What They Wanted.pdf/66

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pher an’ me! You ought to have seen that wop sweat! And when we try to point the machine at him, he gives a yell you could hear a block an’ runs right out in the street!

Father McKee



I couldn’t get him back, only I promised to let the guy shoot me first. They was some pictures! Tony’s [He hands a specimen to the Padre.] sure looks like him, but she must have seen somethin’ in it, because she sent hers right back. [He studies Amy’s photograph for a moment before submitting it.] Here. Not bad, huh?

Father McKee

[A long and very pleased contemplation]: There ain’t no explainin’ women! [He returns the photograph.] Do you think she’s straight, Joe?


What the hell! If she ain’t, she wants to be. That’s the main thing.

Father McKee

Maybe it won’t turn out so bad, after all. There’s always this about life: no man don’t never get every-