Page:Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains.djvu/325

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Apaches, and she said, "Yes, she would like very much to leave them, but was afraid; as the Apaches had told her that if she ever tried to get away and was caught, she would be sold to the Mexican Indians as a slave, and there she would have to work in the fields, which would be much harder work than she has to do where she is."

I told Nawasa that if she would bring the white girl out on the same ridge that I had rode on, I would give her five strings of beads, and I would give her one string to give to the white girl. She promised that she would try, and that she would do her best.

I saw them standing by the tree.

I agreed to be back in eight days and see what arrangements had been made, and to let her know when would be ready to take the girl.