Page:Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains.djvu/401

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seen and he at once declared that they were Sioux, and said we were sure to have trouble with them before long,

We decided to remain there that night, and I agreed that I would stand guard while Jim and Hasa slept. I stood guard until the morning star rose, and I turned in, telling Jim to get an early breakfast and call me, which he did. The boy brought in our horses, saddled them and tied them near camp. The pack animals were also feeding near camp.

I stood guard.

Just as we had finished our breakfast and it was getting good daylight, I cast my eyes in the direction of our horses and saw that a number of them had raised their heads and were looking off down the river as though the had seen something. I sprang to my feet and saw nine Indians coming up the river i:i the direction of our camp, lit they were apparently sneaking along slowly. I could see at once by their movements that they did not think they were discovered yet. I said to Jim: "The Sioux