Page:Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains.djvu/530

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away looking after our horses I was taking a stroll around the fort, when by chance I met Gen. Crook taking his evening walk, and he asked me what I knew about this friend of mine. I told how I had seen him tried on various occasions and that I had never seen any signs of his weakening yet. I also told him that if I ac- cepted a position as scout, I wanted George Jones with me, for I knew that I could depend on him under any and all c i r c u in- stances. The General told me that he had been hav- ing very hard luck this sum- mer, having lost all his best scouts by their falling in the hands of the Apaches. He also told me that he had one scout that

I met Gen. Crook taking his evening walk.

fel1 into their hands and was burned at the stake, The next morning at nine o'clock Jones and I were on hand at the General's quar-