Page:Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains.djvu/566

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have a present for you if you will accept it. I want to give you Black Bess."

This was the beautiful mare that he rode the year be- fore and of which I spoke previously.

It was a very acceptable present indeed, and I was surprised to learn that he would part with her, but he walked down to the stable and turned her over to me. He had never ridden her when going into a fight except

She would paw until I woke.

the time of which I made mention when out on the scouting tour. He said to me: "She is too fine an animal for me, and if you will train her a little she will be a perfect companion to you."

This black mare proved to be the most intelligent animal that I had ever owned in my life, and there was nothing she seemed to dislike so much as the sight or even the scent of an Indian. Often when out scouting I